
JoinBarrySteakfriesinanepicmonster-slayingadventure!Run,shoot,andsurviveaslongasyoucan!,Sprint,JumpandBlastyourwaythroughMonsterDash,anaction-packedgamebythecreatorsofJetpackJoyrideandFruitNinja.Experiencetheclassicgame ...,MonsterDashisanendlessrunnerdevelopedbyHalfbrickStudios,originallyreleasedformobiledevices,andwebbrowser.Thegameisthesecondentryin ...,AvailableonlyforHalfbrick+!.Sprint,Ju...

Monster Dash

Join Barry Steakfries in an epic monster-slaying adventure! Run, shoot, and survive as long as you can!

Monster Dash

Sprint, Jump and Blast your way through Monster Dash, an action-packed game by the creators of Jetpack Joyride and Fruit Ninja. Experience the classic game ...

Monster Dash | Jetpack Joyride Wiki

Monster Dash is an endless runner developed by Halfbrick Studios, originally released for mobile devices, and web browser. The game is the second entry in ...

Monster Dash

Available only for Halfbrick+!. Sprint, Jump and Blast your way through Monster Dash, an action-packed game by the creators of Jetpack Joyride and Fruit ...

《Monster Dash》廢柴系硬漢叔!殭屍無雙救地球

2015年9月2日 — 《Monster Dash》是由Halfbrick所出的貝瑞大叔三部曲之一的續作遊戲。上天下海、懲奸除惡,平時是上班族,變身還是上班族,只會裝帥耍酷的廢柴系大叔Barry ...

在App Store 上的「Monster Dash」

Sprint, Jump and Blast your way through Monster Dash, an action-packed game by the creators of Jetpack Joyride and Fruit Ninja. Experience the classic game ...

在App Store 上的「Monster Dash」

在Monster Dash 中奮力奔跑、跳躍並射擊,闖出一條勝利之路來。這是一款由製作Jetpack Joyride 和Fruit Ninja 的團隊開發的動感十足的遊戲。